Join the
Study With Me
G7 Challenge!

Join our 7 Week Challenge to prepare for the times ahead.

The deadline to register is: Friday March 21st

Here is what you'll receive:

In this challenge you'll receive:

  • The 7 essential categories you need to ensure you're covered in any unforeseen circumstance.
  • A biblical framework on how to plan, organize, and store the items you need.
  • Weekly action steps to build your storehouse gradually.
  • Discord access where you can engage, share tips, and resources with like-minded individuals who are preparing with you.
  • Support and encouragement from community members who are taking tangible steps toward readiness.

Sign up today to make sure you don't miss it!

Presented by

Study With Me

March 24, 2025
9:00am Central Time

Register today

Don't miss your chance to prepare your place of provision. Sign up today.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.